2022-05-08 – Around OKC (2022 Edition)

7:00 AM – Woke, showered, dressed

8:00 AM – Breakfast. More #ElvisPancakes

9:30 AM – OOPS! Missed (online) church.

1:50 AM – Met Phil and Kathy (both from UK) in the hotel.  Did a WalMart run. Found Phil the #PerfectStorm of backpacks, a battery bank, and some Diet Cokes.

3:50 PM – met Jodie for the second Walmart run.  Bought myself a couple T-shirts, as I forgot to do so on the first Walmart run. Jodie found some nice organic Gala apples. I was gifted two of those, which is great because apples travel well. We made another visit to the electronics section at the Walmart pick up a phone bumper for Jodie. Look for a specific charger for Jodie’s camera gear, but it turned out not to be a Walmart item. Such is life.

6:00 PM – The team met in the lobby and went over to Chili’s for dinner. I ordered a $10.99 special in a margarita. Pretty good food value for under $20


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